Czech Championship 2024

2024-07-12 by Jiří Fetterle

Dear star sailors and friends,
I would like to invite you to the Czech Championship 2024 that takes place at the Lake Mácha from August 9 – 11. All the necessary information including the notice of race can be found here


You and your relatives are more than welcome to prolong the stay at the Lake Mácha where you can find various cultural sights and enjoy a friendly atmosphere. Therefore, let me also invite you to the memorial of Oldy Vintišky to honor the memories of our pioneer who founded the cornerstone of the Prague/Bohemia Fleet. This regatta is scheduled for August 3 – 4, 2024.

Feel free to contact me for any information or support with an accommodation.

I wish you a joyful summertime and all the best not only on the water. 

I look forward to seeing you!

Kind regards,

 Jiří Fetterle

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